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Step-by-step Inequality Solver

This math solver enables you to solve and graph inequalities. Here are some hints on the solver usage:
  • if your problem doesn't contain < or > signs, you are on the wrong page. Click on the Expressions menu item to simplify an expression or the Equation menu item to solve an equation.
  • if there is only one variable present, you don't have to specify it. If there is more than one, you have to tell the solver which variable to solve for.
  • when graphing an inequality, make sure that it is in the form y < or > ...., where the right side contains no other variable than 'x' (i.e. varible 'y' needs to be explicit).
  • A system of inequalities can only be solved by graphing. The default number of inequalities is 2, but you can specify more than two, if needed.
  • hover the mouse over the question marks for more detailed help.
  • if any solution steps are unclear, click on the step to see an explanation. Note that (on the graph / system tabs) 'solution steps' refer to converting inequalities to the standard (explicit) form. These steps can be found below the graph.





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